The Past And Present Of Computers

 A computer is a device that can process data according to a set of instructions. It is a form of data processing. Today, the computer (computador) has become an important thing in every home and comes in physical form. The modern computer was invented in the middle of the 20th century, although the concept of a computer (computador) and various similar machines existed before. It really started in 1837, when Charles Babbage made "The Analytical Engine", the first fully functional computer.


The first models were big and bulky and used the whole room. The EDSAC (Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator) was one of the first computers that could implement a stored program algorithm. Compared to them, modern computers (computador) have small integrated circuits and are better in terms of capacity and speed as well as accuracy.

Today's smaller models can fit on your wrist and are powered by a watch battery. Personal computers can be found in almost every home today and in many different forms. They are truly a symbol of the information age.


What makes a computer (computador) so unique and different from other devices is that it can be programmed. A calculator can only calculate, just like a washing machine can only wash, but a computer can be programmed to do all sorts of tasks. A software program is a list of instructions that a computer can store and execute.

A general computer (computador) has four main parts, math and logic unit or ALU, control unit or CU, memory and interface for input and output devices. These computer parts are integrated circuits. The ALU, control unit, register, and interface for input and output devices are collectively referred to as the central processing unit or CPU. The original organizers were composed of many different people, but since 1975; CPUs are built on a single integrated circuit, the microprocessor.

The ALU is intended for arithmetic and logical operations of the computer while the controller is intended to direct the various parts of the computer (computador). Its job is to read and interpret individual program instructions and turn them into control signals to operate other parts of the computer. The first type of computer (computador) used magnetic core memory but today it has been replaced by solid state memory.

A computer's main memory is divided into two parts, RAM or random access memory and ROM or read only memory. RAM can be written and read at any time by CPU commands. On the other hand, the ROM is loaded with immutable software and data, it can only be read by the CPU. I/O is the hardware by which a computer (computador) can receive information from the outside world and return results.

The most common input devices are keyboard and mouse. Where productivity devices include monitors and printers. Some devices serve as both input and output devices, such as hard drives, optical disk drives, floppy drives, etc. The Internet has truly changed our lives. Today, people can search for any type of information on various topics, advertise their business or product, send mass messages, and do many other things with just a few clicks. Whether you want to search for a new home or compare the price of a new phone or fill out your college application or read the new Harry Potter book, everything can be done online from your computer.


With the increase of computers (computador) and its use, an increasing number of jobs related to computers have already started. Computer-related careers include electrical engineering, nanoscale engineering, communications engineering, software engineering, web design, desktop publishing, and optical engineering. 


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