Step Away From The Computer Before You Have A Mental Meltdown

Should I read the technical manual tonight or The Lord of the Rings?


Just out of respect, I thought I would tell you that the following article is as far removed from my writing as it gets. To be honest, it's nothing more than a very tired techie who runs and plays. Maybe a little victory too. My entire universe revolves around technology; computers, data communications, wireless and wireless Ethernet, PDAs, mobile devices, firewalls, security checks, and more. I am so addicted to technology and business that I have a hard time deciding whether to read a technical manual or a good sci-fi/fantasy novel. I love what I do, and I have no plans to make any changes in the foreseeable future, but something as simple as checking the time of day is almost mind-melting in the morning. a. This week has been very stressful. I wrote at least eight chapters, worked in progress on an external security research report, made and received several phone calls, and stayed up all night or morning depending on how you look at it (it was 2 a.m. Saturday now).


My Kingdom for the right time and all my watches! 


This morning I was just checking the time on my desktop computer. Of all the computers, digital and analog clocks, stereos, TVs, set-top boxes, DVD players, and other electronics in my house, there are 28 devices that display the time of day. And guess what, there's about a 5-minute delta in the current season between the big moments of the season. It sounds pretty rude, but I almost freaked out. With all the technology we have, you'd think it would be easy to stay connected all the time at my house. And keep them in touch! 


Well, this story isn't really about the clock but it's the "time" that got me going this morning. The thing is, like many others, time is something I don't have a lot of. I believe that Mr. Einstein will take a strong stand on my question. In addition to the question of time, how much technology, or should I say, how much exposure to advanced technology can support the human brain before it explodes. My family, friends, and business associates often ask me Sometimes I ask myself that.

"How do you remember all that stuff about computers?


I don't know about you, but sometimes I wish I could completely separate myself from anything electronic; spinners, hard drives hitting, car monitors (even those flat screens), keystrokes when I type, and let's not forget the inevitable beeping from my UPS several times a day because of Florida's power and fire power. appears to regulate a stable electrical system. It's holiday time: technology is banned all the time 


I've been around technology all my life. You know it took my wife about 5 years of complaining about me bringing my laptop and other tech on vacation before I finally got it. And guess what, the first time I turned off technology during one of our summer vacations, I felt like someone lifted a huge weight off my shoulders. It's amazing that when my wife asks me where the laptop is, it takes her a whole day to believe me when I say I left it at home. I know I'm not the only one who has these little "moments". My new year's resolution this year is to simplify my life. I am not ashamed to say that I have not made much progress but I will not give up. I will bring a contract to my life if it kills me in the process. 



I don't blame anyone who read this article and felt compelled to send me an invoice. After reviewing what I wrote here, it reads like notes taken during a psychotherapy session:. I decided to take a break from technology right after I posted this article. Now I'm tired and I'm going to sleep. You may reprint or publish this article for free as long as proper attribution is included.


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