How to defeat terrorism

 Stopping terrorism is not like playing a game, in poker there are many variables that can affect the outcome, but fighting terrorism is just fighting to the end.


Many people think that a terrorist feels that they have been wronged or that someone is giving them something to end the fight, whether it is land or money, but the story showed us time and time again that by encouraging terrorists, we are terrorists. just giving them what they want, and prolonging the fight. They will continue to take whatever is given to them and they will never stop looking for something else.


One example of this is evident in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Israel allows the PLO to return to the West Bank and Gaza and establish Palestinian Authority, Israel provides weapons and the Americans train the Palestinians so that they can create an army to fight crime and terrorism.


Terrorists retaliated against Israel by bombing shops, restaurants, clubs and buses. Recently, Israel removed all the Jews from Gaza and gave all the land to the Palestinians. The Israelis left the equipment in the greenhouse, which the Palestinians could use for commercial purposes. As the last soldiers left Gaza, the terrorists destroyed what the Israelis had left and fired rockets at Sderot and Ashkelon, two Jewish towns in Gaza.


Many of you think that these problems are caused by the Israelis who stole the Palestinian land, but what did the United States do that angered Al-Qaeda? Many will say that it is because America has troops in Saudi Arabia where the two best places for Muslims are, they are wrong. This fight is not about terrorists who want America out of the Middle East. It is about human pride. Osama Bin Laden, and that's all about him. In 1991, when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, Saudi Arabia was concerned and needed help to protect its oil fields. Osama bin Laden gave his help to help protect his homeland with the help of his Mujahadim, who helped protect Afghanistan from the Russians in 1980. But instead of betting on bin Laden's holey heroes, the Saudis asked for help from the United States, which hurt bin Laden's pride. Now Bin Laden wants to show the world that he is a true defender of Islam, make no mistake, this is a religious war. The only point is not to try to negotiate with these people but to fight them hard. You will find that with every war against terrorists, once you start making progress, they will start shouting about Hudna or a temporary pause. When you participate in a poker tournament at <a href="">Online</a> or a local casino in person Your enemy is almost gone. of tokens, retreat to let your opponent count or continue to force them.


The only way to defeat terrorism is to fight terrorism wherever and whenever it raises its head, and never give up on those who will use fear to do what they want.


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